Turnier Meldestelle
24227  CCIP Stadl Paura

Protocol Competition 018: Eventing Test Adults Horses
Athlete:  Nina-Kristin Lechenbauer
Horse:  H910  Angelo Golden Dancer
Judge H: 
Judge C: 
Judge B: 
Cross Country Designer: 
Cross Country Assistent: 
Technical Delegate: 
 Geneviève PFISTER, SUI
 Josef Voglreiter, AUT
 Franz Feichtinger, AUT
2024 - CCIP1*B
Nr. Exercise H C B
1 A
Enter working trot
Halt, salute, proceed in working trot
Track right in working trot
  6,0 7,0 6,5
2 C - M
M - V
Working trot
Change rein in medium trot rising
  6,0 6,0 7,0
3 V - K - A
Working trot
Halt immobility
  5,0 5,0 6,0
4 A
A - F
Rein back 4-5 steps and immediately procced in working trot
Working trot
  7,0 6,0 7,0
5 F - X
X - I
Leg yield to the left in working trot
Working trot
  5,5 5,0 6,0
6 I - R - I
I - C
Circle right 10 meters
Working trot
  6,0 6,0 6,5
7 C
C and H
Track to the left

trasition to medium walk
  6,5 5,0 6,0
8 H - B change the rein in free walk on a long rein   7,0 6,0 6,5
9 Between
B and P
P - F
Transition to medium
Medium walk
  5,0 6,0 5,0
10 F - A - K
K - X
X - I
Working trot
Leg yield to the right
Working trot
  6,5 6,0 6,0
11 I - S - I
I - C
Circle 10 meters left
Working trot
  6,5 6,0 7,0
12 C
C - M
M - H
Track right
Working trot
Half 20-meter circle, as passing the center line
give and retake the reins
  7,0 6,0 6,5
13 H - C
C - M
Working trot
Transition to working canter right
Working canter right
  7,0 5,5 7,0
14 M - X - F
F - A - K
One loop in from the track in working canter
Working canter
  5,0 5,5 7,0
15 K - V - E
E - B
Medium canter
Half circle 20 meters right in medium canter
  6,0 6,0 7,0
16 BPFAK Working canter   6,0 5,5 6,5
17 K - C - M
Over X
Change rein in working canter
Change lead trough trot
  6,0 5,5 6,5
18 M - C - H
H - X - K
K - A - F
Working canter
One loop 10 meters in from the track
Working canter
  6,0 5,0 7,0
19 F - P - B
B - E
Medium canter
Half circle left 20 meters in medium canter
  6,0 6,0 7,0
20 E - V - K
K and A
Working canter

Transition to working trot
  6,0 5,0 7,0
21 A
Turn down center line
Halt, salute
  6,0 6,5 6,5
  Summery     128,0 120,5 137,5
22 Harmony of Athlete and Horse   * 6,0 6,0 7,0
23 Deduction     2,0 2,0 2,0
  TOTAL     138,0 130,5 149,5
(Marks are off-the-record until price giving ceremony, and may be modified due to correction of input errors until then)